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Friday, January 28, 2011

Effects of an extract from Phyllanthus niruri on hepatitis B and woodchuck hepatitis viruses: in vitro and in vivo studies.

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An aqueous extract of the plant Phyllanthus niruri inhibits endogenous DNA polymerase of hepatitis B virus and binds to the surface antigen of hepatitis B virus in vitro. The extract also inhibits woodchuck hepatitis virus (WHV) DNA polymerase and binds to the surface antigen of WHV in vitro. The extract, nontoxic to mice, was tested for antiviral activity in woodchucks (Marmota monax). In a trial using six long-term WHV-carrier woodchucks, five treated animals showed a faster decrease in woodchuck hepatitis virus surface antigen titer compared to one untreated control. In animals recently infected with WHV, the extract was effective when administered i.p. in three out of four animals in reducing and within 3-6 weeks eliminating both the surface antigen titer and DNA polymerase activity in serum. The treatment was discontinued after 10 weeks, and the treated animals have remained free of detectable markers of WHV for more than 45 weeks. In contrast, three untreated controls remained positive for both markers for WHV. One of the controls died after 8 weeks; the other two controls have remained positive for WHV markers for more than 45 weeks. In a third trial with long-term carriers, test animals treated subcutaneously with the extract for 12 weeks did not respond; but on switching the mode of administration to i.p., two out of the five animals showed a significant decrease in woodchuck hepatitis virus surface antigen titer compared to controls.
cited by other articles in PMC.


  1. I thank Almighty God that human are not God, if not, by now i would have been a dead human, after so many years of been suffering for hepatitis B and all the Dr doctor said there is no cure, till this new year that i came in-contact with this clinic called HEALTH MED LAB who deliver the medicine to me and now am cure.Am so thankful to God their email is healthmedlab@gmail.com

  2. My name is Amelia, I want to use this medium to thank Dr. Iyabiye, for saving me from CHRONIC HEPATITIS B. I surffered this ailment for 3 years, then this fateful day browsing through the internet to see if I could get help, I saw his contact and testimonies of others he has cured. I contacted him for help, and afterwards he administered his medication on me, I was confirmed cured and hepatitis free at the hospital after the treatment. You too can be cured like me if interested, reach him through his contacts: (+2348072229413 or +2348158577300) email: (iyabiyehealinghome@gmail.com)

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